mark osaki




for Jenny Smagala Luciano

It was never meant to be a practical guide,
if you are both blessed and cursed
to live from one surprise to the next.

In truth, you prefer the out-of-the-way places
to the paved land bridge across
what is always visible and taken for granted.

The unseen dots eventually connect
and make one wary of hope:
the lump that should not be there,
or the hesitant look that comes too late.

Children have taught you to accept
gratitude over happiness,
as you faithfully follow the heart’s traceable map
of far dreams leading ever away

but always returning home.


Mark Osaki's work has appeared in various journals and anthologies, including:  The Georgia Review, Carrying the Darkness—The Poetry of the Vietnam War (Avon, Texas Tech University Press), South Carolina Review, Men of Our Time—An Anthology of Male Poetry in Contemporary America (University of Georgia Press), Breaking Silence—An Anthology of Contemporary Asian American Poets (Greenfield Review Press), Onset Review, Drown In My Own Fears and Garrison Keillor’s Writer’s Almanac (National Public Radio).  He has received awards for his poetry from the University of California at Berkeley, San Francisco Arts Commission, Seattle Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.  He works in the Domestic Violence program at Asian Americans for Community Involvement in San Jose, California.



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