lisa jones




“Franklin loves you darling and only you.”
Targeting a green ostensible eye,
lies (or a lonesome grand one) reflect true
alongside the withhold and the deny.
While his trained card-stacking grips are nimble,
before I knew Oscar Wilde remarked this,
my grounding felt houses of feign tumble:
Man is… least himself when speaking in (his)
third person.
We agree. Frank’s out of lives,
trite as a lamed spider racing the flush.
My man’s love will be fluent as natives,
cathartic as springs, as settling as hush;
will be as proud as um-
brage, as pointed as aim.


Lisa Jones' publications in the literary press include, but are not limited to the Journals "Verses," "Expressions Forum Review," "Midwest Poetry Review," as well as "Quill Books." Acknowledgements include a national reader's choice award, an editor's choice award (from The National Library of Poetry, in conjunction with anthology publication in "In the Desert Sun," and an international Shakespearean sonnet in contemporary language prize, won in a competition sponsored by the World Order of Narrative and Formalist Poets. She is currently developing and selecting poetry for publication and competition.


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