matt piller
October 20, 2009
Jojo the Who turned the page for me during Notice Me Horton.
I didn’t notice her that day.
December 26, 2009
Your mom gave you Pokemon SoulSilver for Christmas,
so I gave you the well-worn Pokedex I grew up with.
July 4, 2010
I got back from that week-long cruise without reception
in time to watch the fireworks together.
Your seven lonely voicemails matched the ones
I would have left for you
August 14, 2010
I left for college. Six hours away.
I cried harder than I did when my dog died.
Why aren’t there any good colleges in Wisconsin?
April 24, 2011
You braved your seafood allergy, pretending to like salmon
to spend Easter with my family,
and my longtime suspicions were confirmed:
I never wanted to spend another holiday without you.
June 4, 2011
I sat in that stifling gymnasium with your family,
every bit as proud of you as your own mother.
After you crossed the stage
and the tassel crossed your face,
we ate Dilly Bars under the stars.
Mint chocolate for me, cherry for you.
That night you told me all about your future plans as
you went to bed and
June 5, 2011
never woke up.
You had a hole in your heart.
I don’t understand how I’m surviving with one.