james h duncan
The twine of beaten
there is an anger hidden
beneath the last fine layer
of paint, the last layer of dust conceals
so much lusting, hidden faces,
the awful remnants
of history
swelling beneath the Hudson murk
the deep, the darkest leagues
familiar bodies sway mute, and in such
tender motion
dead to one world, wispy to any other
they sway in the tide so gently chaotic
there is an anger hidden within
every fiber of the air
tying every failure together with
the twine of beaten love
reticent anger, succulent pain
the ballast of life
the rub of it is how we strive
to shrug it off
when we do, we see we have
left everything behind
and there is nothing left to take us
James H Duncan is a New York native living in the southwest by day and dreaming
of New England by night. A graduate of Southern Vermont College, James recently
released his third collection of poetry titled Ballast. Plainsongs, Reed
Magazine, The Aurorean, Jones AV., and The Homestead Review, among others, have
welcomed his poetry, more of which can be seen at www.jhdwriting.com