john muth
Persian Rug
My ex-girlfriend
Bought me this rug,
A sea of royal blue
That I never vacuum.
Sock lint at eye level
Is a graveyard of snowmen
Melting in the sun.
It’s itchy when you’re naked,
Like the floor of a barber shop.
She came over tonight,
Left a cloud of Indian food
And French perfume,
A cheap hair clip,
And a spasm in my right calf
That won’t go away.
I’d go to bed,
But I’m too tired.
Too bad our love
Was never as good as the sex. John
Muth is an academic advisor at Rutgers University. Born and raised in New
Jersey,He has been writing poetry for the last twenty years. One of his main
sources of inspiration concerns the less romantic experiences of romantically
involved people. His poetry has been published in, The Stray Branch and Asinine